History and Lands of Chimeron

Subnations and Lands

The Azure Guard

Founded in 1006

Current Leader: Captain Cimone

The Azure Guard is a militaristic sub-group within Chimeron. They have no specific lands associated with their group, but instead are sworn to the protection of all of Chimeron and can be called to assist wherever they are most needed. Guard members are not all fighters but should be interested in positively contributing on the front line in combat situations. They seek to work as a unit when questing, either within a larger line or as a self sufficient squad. Guard members are often also interested in learning command skills, such as tactics in the field and large scale strategy. Guard members can be identified by their blue and white baldrics.


Founded in 992 by Sir Shane.

Current Leader: Acting Lord Meerkat

Cawdyl was brought into Chimeron soon after the founding of the kingdom - Chimeron was founded at the Rathclwyn Castle Siege in '91 and Cawdyl (or more accurately, Clan Curaidh) swore to Chimeron at Tourney of Fools '92, which bought them official sub-nation status. Cawdyl was always meant to be a subnation of Chimeron, as Shane the original lord of Clan Curaidh and Thane of Cawdyl was a part of the founding royal house of Chimeron. So Cawdyl existed before Chimeron's founding, but it was immediately brought in to Chimeron upon the kingdom’s founding. Importantly, the oath of service was to the land of Chimeron, not the Crown.

After Sir Shane ascended, the succession of lords for Clan Curaidh went as follows: Sir Bane, Sir Black, Sir Veros. As Sir Veros is off traveling, Magus Meerkat is the current acting lord of Clan Curaidh, until such time as Princess Alias returns.

Cerulean Company

Founded in 1023 by Commander Sir Orion.

Current Leader: Commander Sir Orion

Associated lands - RAMS and the area around it

The goals of the Cerulean Company are to practice and exemplify small-group combat tactics in the Realms, be an on-call fast reaction force during large quests, and promote melee combat skills within Chimeron. The Cerulean Company is a subnation of the Azure Guard, but membership of one group does not mean that one is automatically a member of the other

The Felwood

Founded in 1013 by Lord Therian.

Current Leader: Lady Cressida

Associated lands - the Felwood

The Felwood put a lot of stock in protecting and following the natural order, standing for what is right, and sharing knowledge.

Felwood Charter
Defend the Crown, both on the Throne, upon the Mountain and Under the Hill
Support the lands and the people of Chimeron
Protect the Felwood and all life it contains.
Learn with full heart and open mind.
Teach with clarity and wisdom.

Felwood Creed
Call: “Silence is the Enemy.”
Response: “I will not be silent.”

Felwood Oath
I Choose
To live by choice, not by chance.
To be motivated, not manipulated.
To be useful, not used.
To make changes, not excuses.
To excel, not compete.
I choose self esteem, not self pity.
I choose to listen to my inner voice,
not drown in the opinions of others.
I choose to do the things that others won’t
So I can continue to do the things they cannot.

Gryphon Hall

Refounded in 1011 by Lord Tara.

Current Leader: Lord Tara Harkon

Associated lands - Gryphon Hall

Originally a questing group with Eagle’s Rook founded over a decade and a half ago, they work to defend the innocent, provide for those who have no lord of their own, and to defend Chimeron and the Realms.

Originally founded way back when as a joint questing company with members from both Chimeron and Eagle's Rook with Lucas in charge and then Queen Meg gave them land and Lucas became a lord. Years later after they confirmed Tara was in fact Lucas' little sister, she got a package at the Black & White containing all the tabards he could find, including his own, and was told to take up the mantle.

House Sorbus

Founded in 1018

Current Leader: Lord Ser Kovaks

Associated lands - Darkvale (this land originally swore fealty in 992)

House Sorbus is a group focused on mutual support and growth - not necessarily growth of combat skill or magic ability, but growth as an individual and as part of the community that is Chimeron and the Realms at large. The group maintains a family-like demeanor and attracts people looking to improve themselves and to help make the Realms a better place. Sorbus frequently attracts people with "parent friend" personalities; the kind of person who carries extra snacks and reminds others, friend and stranger alike, to stay hydrated.

The lands of House Sorbus are the lands of Darkvale, which are governed by the Darkvale Treaty.

Lux Solaris

Founded in 1022 by Sir Laika

Current Leader: Sir Laika

Lux Solaris is a group devoted to establishing and maintaining peace in the realms. Members of the subnation are expected to follow de-escalation and try to solve issues through words and negotiation. If peace cannot be achieved, members are expected to "do the right thing." Lux Solaris frequently attracts people who are good natured and want to do what is right and to give a voice for the common folk of the Realms.

The Motto: Gratia Boni et pacis regnorum - We exist for the good and the peace of the Realms.

Pax Tharkus

Refounded in 1005

Current Leader: Lady Ayuchi Kyomi

Associated lands - Pax Tharkus

Pax Tharkus is a place for ‘professionals’ - adventurers who have another career. This land is a home to magical trees, the University of Highbridge, and King Cecil prior to his coronation.

Pax Tharkus is a land of the past. Will you keep the old traditions? Will you keep the oaths of those who came before us?
Pax Tharkus is a land of the present. Will you uphold the safety of our people, our countrymen, and the Realms? Will you uphold your honor in word and deed? Will you uphold the laws of our land and of Chimeron?
Pax Tharkus is a land of the future. Will you seek out threats to our lives and our souls, and will you end them? Will you seek out the good in the world and make it better?

Qua Taereth Nunna

Founded in 994 by The McKrye

Current Leader: Sir Makhta McKrye

Associated lands - QTN

Qua Taereth Nunna is known for solving problems with axes and large weapons, eating lots of meat, and emphasizing family and survival. The lands contain mountains and many Bar(n)s in various states of construction.

McKrye is the family name of the clan that oversees QTN, and McKrye the man used it as his first name. "The McKrye" is the title granted to the clan leader. Formerly [First Name Redacted] McKrye was The McKrye of Clan McKrye. But now the mantle has been passed to Makhta, so now she's The McKrye and McKrye the man is no longer "The."

Clan Rua Thar Cinn

Founded in 1009 by Laird Rel

Current Leader: Laird Rel Zhirah

First Mage: Sir Saka

Clan Rua Thar Cinn is a nation of Mages. Mages in this case aren't necessarily spellcasters (although they do have a number of those), rather people who actively shape the world around them, spread knowledge, lead and support leaders as needed, pursue a high standard of excellence, and exhibit certain other intangible qualities. Founded and led by Laird Sir Rel, Rua Thar Cinn is known for its questing prowess as well as its in-and-out-of-character drive to continually improve both themselves and Chimeron as a whole. At events, members will most often be wearing red and black surcoats, with the rowan branch of Chimeron embroidered across their shoulders and their heraldry on the right breast.

Official Tenets of Clan Rua Thar Cinn
- Defend the Crown, both on the Throne and Under the Hill
- Defend the lands and the people of Chimeron
- Believe in yourself and in what you do
- Know when to think, and know when to act

In Service to the Crown

Founded in 991

Current Leader: Seneschal Sir Pawldo

Associated lands - All of Chimeron, Chimeron City

In Service is the home of those who wish to be a part of Chimeron, but have not decided on or prefer not to join an existing Nation.

Chimeron Militia

Founded in 996

Current Leader: Captain Bogen Goldforge

Associated lands - Chimeron Barracks, and one acre of land granted per militia member.

While the Chimeron Militia is not a nation, it is often the first part of the kingdom that new adventurers see. It is dedicated to supporting new adventurers during their first years by providing equipment, training, and friendship. Membership in the Militia does not come with any obligations to Chimeron itself and one is not required to join Chimeron in the future - alumni of the Militia can be found across the Realms.

Lands Brought in to Chimeron

Blackwater: Formerly owned by the late Sir Lars Fey Reach: Captured by the Aspis with Darkvale

Fern Grove: Consolidated into Darkvale during Aspis occupation

Former Chimeronian Lands


In 996, Sir Duncan swore Rhiassa to Queen Meg, and Rhiassa became part of Chimeron during the fourth Feast of Chimeron. During the ninth Feast of Rhiassa in 1003, they seceded from Chimeron and became their own independent group once more.

Eagle's Rook

In 995, Eagle’s Rook became a subnation of Chimeron, though it had existed prior to joining. Under Sir Vawn’s leadership, Eagle’s Rook became independent of Chimeron in the fall of 1008.


Paradise was a subnation of Chimeron that was associated with and connected to the Neo-Hellenic Isles and the pantheon of the Five Ladies. This land was destroyed when Bedlam began taking over much of the Realms, during 1012. Many a person refugee'ed in Eagle’s Rook or, if they made it, with Laurante in L'Havre de Forêt.

This land was originally created as its own nation in approximately 1004, and was led by Aberes (now Iawen) in 1007.

Members of Paradise either traveled to other nations or stopped adventuring after the destruction of this land, though many adventurers had disbanded by the time the full force of Bedlam struck. Members included; Nero, Hope, Aberes, Metron, Sarriette, Gryf, Harlest, Rorin, Critias, Nero's ex-wife (the name escapes chroniclers at this time), Ender, Laurante (honorary), Quazar (honorary)